OPen a portal​

to inner worlds

.in an instant rise
from time and space,
set the world aside
and become the world
within yourself.

– sufism

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Poem Collection

Sometimes when I sit in a bus for hours or go for a walk in nature, thoughts come through me that sometimes sound like poems. And I write them down.

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Jewelry Shop

I make macrame jewelry and sell it online and on markets. Working with gemstones, colors and natural materials makes me happy.

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Written Thoughts

Dive into my blog posts where my thoughts become yours for a moment.

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Ever thought about a deep dive into Yoga? My teachers in India are offering a 200hr Yoga Teacher Training Course that is designed to elevate your own practice to the next level.

Central America Travels

Next to other travel blog posts, I documented my 8 months journey through Central America. Community life in the jungle, mini islands in the Caribbean, volcanoes and a lake, tourists in Yucatan, and much more.

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Quote Collection

{ insert a quote about a quote quoting the importance of extraordinary thoughts }

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My Yoga Journey

I document my Yoga journey on Instagram, where I share about Yoga in general and my own practice.

This is me

Yoga lover, travel enthusiast & mystery seeker. I love exploring the world and its great mystery and I also do like writing about it. Welcome to my blog!

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